All-on-X Dental Implants

Are you missing all of your teeth? Do most of your teeth need to be replaced? “All on” implant systems such as All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants are popular options for our patients who require full-arch tooth replacement. As a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Nazarian provides “All-on-X” implant prosthetics for our patients, pairing the integrity of strategically-placed implants with the hybrid, streamline design of a full-arch denture bridge. 

What Are All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants—sometimes referred to as “All-on-X implants”—are implant-supported hybrid dentures that can replace an entire arch of missing teeth in one procedure. The streamlined design follows the natural curve of your jaw, providing ample comfort and function without bulky “plates” in the roof of your mouth. 

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 types of dental implants are designed to provide patients with a stable, long-lasting solution to missing teeth that is comfortable, functional, and natural-looking. These dental implant options use strategically placed dental implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth, providing a permanent solution to tooth loss. As such, there’s no need to place an implant for each tooth that’s missing. The decision to use four or six or more dental implants will depend on your individual needs and the recommendation of our implant dentist. 


Dental Implant Procedures

The “all-on” dental implant treatment can be completed with local anesthetic (numbing medication) to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process. However, we also offer in-house oral sedation to help you feel like you’re napping throughout the procedure. 

Once you’re comfortable, we will strategically place the dental implants into your bone at specific points throughout your smile. These implants will serve as the anchors for the fixed prosthesis. Once the dental implants have been placed, Dr. Nazarian will attach a temporary prosthesis for you to wear while the implants integrate.

Over the next several months, the dental implants will fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Once the dental implants have fully integrated with your supporting bone, you will return to our office to have your permanent prosthesis attached to the implants. This streamlined device is non-removable, so you never have to worry about it slipping, rocking, or whether it’s strong enough to bite into your favorite food.

Dental Implant Aftercare

After your All-on-X dental implant procedure, it’s important to follow our home care instructions to ensure that your new investment lasts a lifetime. To promote healing and protect your dental implants, it is important to avoid hard or sticky foods, smoking, and excessive physical activity in the days following your surgical procedure. Our dental team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to ensure that your dental implants are healing properly.

Plan to brush your implants like normal twice a day. We also recommend using a water flosser or tufted floss to clean around and underneath your implant-supported All-on-X implants at least once a day.

Schedule Your Consultation

To learn more about All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants in Flint, MI and whether they are right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nazarian at Genesee Family Dentistry today. We’ll provide you with a no-pressure treatment plan and flexible financing options so that you can make an educated, confident decision about your smile’s future!

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