Invisalign in Flint is a Clear Solution to Straighter Teeth

Genesee Family Dentistry is your premier dental provider in Flint, MI. As a certified Invisalign provider, we offer a popular alternative to traditional braces when it comes to straightening your teeth. Invisalign is great for adults and teens alike, providing a discreet solution when it comes to correcting crowded or crooked teeth.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic system that uses clear trays to gently adjust the

placement of your teeth. The aligners are digitally mapped and custom-made to fit your

specific teeth, providing fast and comfortable results. Plus, Invisalign is removable and

virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults who prefer not to have fixed

braces on their teeth.

Another significant advantage of Invisalign clear aligners is their removability, which allows for better oral hygiene compared to traditional braces. Since the aligners can be taken out, patients can brush and floss their teeth normally, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, there are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign, as patients can remove the aligners while eating and drinking. This feature not only maintains the aligners' clarity but also ensures that patients can enjoy their favorite foods without worrying about damaging their orthodontic appliances.

Furthermore, Invisalign's digital mapping technology enables orthodontists to create a precise treatment plan, predicting the movement of the teeth throughout the entire process. This feature allows for more accurate and efficient treatment, often resulting in fewer office visits and a shorter overall treatment time compared to traditional braces. With Invisalign, patients can achieve a beautiful, straight smile with minimal disruption to their daily lives.

How Invisalign Works?

Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to progressively move your teeth into a specific location. Each set of aligners is typically worn for about two weeks, before being replaced with the next set in the series. As you progress to a new set of trays, Invisalign slightly nudges your teeth closer to the end goal. There are no “adjustments” needed like with traditional braces, as your tooth movement is gradual and systematic. Your Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, nearly invisible material that fits comfortably over your teeth.

Before you begin Invisalign treatment, Dr. Nazarian will take 3D scans of your teeth, which we use to create a custom treatment plan. This plan will determine the exact movements of your teeth and map out your overall treatment process. At that point, we know about how long your Invisalign treatment will take. If you’re ready to begin treatment, the aligners will be printed and you’ll come back to pick up a new set of trays about once every other month. Plan to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day, removing them to eat, brush, and floss.

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Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

One of the significant differences between Invisalign and traditional braces is that Invisalign aligners are removable, whereas traditional braces are not. This means that you can take out the aligners whenever you’re eating or brushing your teeth. You won’t

have to change your diet or get special oral hygiene appliances. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, which makes them an ideal option for anyone who is hesitant about wearing braces. They’re also smoother and no wires or brackets are needed. Traditional braces, on the other hand, are quite noticeable and can cause moderate irritation to your lips and cheeks, due to the brackets and wires they use.

Invisalign treatment typically takes less time than traditional braces, with an average treatment time of about a year. Total treatment time may vary between 6-18 months depending on the individual. This is due to the custom treatment plan created for each patient, allowing for more precise movements of the teeth. We can provide you with an estimated timeline at the time of your consultation.

Read more about Invisalign on our blog:

Invisalign Treatment: A Clear Path to Your Perfect Smile at Genesee Family Dentistry

Invisalign Treatment: A Discreet and Effective Solution for Straightening Your Smile

Insurance & Financing

 Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation

Considering Invisalign treatment in Flint, MI? We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nazarian to discuss your options. During the visit, Dr. Nazarian will evaluate your teeth and determine if Invisalign is the best treatment option for your

smile. If Invisalign is recommended, our team will create a custom treatment plan that meets your needs and schedule regular appointments to monitor your progress. Flexible payment options are available for most patients.

Contact Genesee Family Dentistry today to achieve the beautiful smile you deserve!

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